Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bear vs Man Fight Advertisement

I wanted to start off this blog with an old classic from my university days. I LOVED this ad! People used to use it all the time in their marketing presentations and I saw people watching it in the computer room on a daily basis.

The problem is that as funny as it was, I could never remember what the brand name of the product was they were advertising (can you right now without looking?) All I knew was that the bear had the best stutter step and roundhouse kick ever!

So although this is really funny and people love it, do you think it was a good commercial? Leave me your thoughts in the comments.

1 comment:

Ben Kornelsen said...

Yes, I still remembered that it was John West canned salmon. And yes it was a great ad, one of the all tiem best. If I was grocery shopping and saw a can of this fish I would totaly buy it.